Looking to know which is better between VS1 vs VVS2?
You’re at the right place!
This is our comparison of the VS1 vs VVS2
In this article, I have reviewed both diamond clarity in-depth and will fully explain to you their differences and which one is better.
Let’s get started with an in-depth look at what sets these diamond clarity apart.
Table of Contents
What’s The Difference Between VS1 vs VVS2?
What is a VS1 Diamond?
A VS1 diamond has very small imperfections inside it that are hard to see without special magnification. A gemologist uses a tool called a jeweler’s loupe to carefully look at the diamond’s surfaces. They might need to look at it slowly and from different angles to find these tiny flaws.
The VS1 grade of the diamond doesn’t refer to specific types of flaws. Instead, it tells us how these flaws affect the diamond’s overall beauty. The flaws could be things like lines, holes, or cloudy areas inside the diamond.
These flaws are so small that you can’t really see them without a magnifying tool. Even if you look at a close-up picture of the diamond, you might need to search to find these imperfections.
Sometimes a VS1 diamond has a few different kinds of flaws, but they’re still hard to see. Other times, it might have just one type of flaw. In these cases, the flaw could be in multiple places across the diamond or in a sensitive area like its thin edge.
If a flaw is on the flat top part of the diamond, it’s more noticeable. But if it’s on the bottom part, it might not show much when the diamond is put into a piece of jewelry.
What is a VVS2 Diamond?
VVS2 diamonds have flaws that are really hard to see, even when using a special magnifying tool that makes things look bigger. Imagine the diamond in an engagement ring – the tiny flaws are inside it, but you can’t spot them just by looking.
A person who’s an expert in gems, called a gemologist, needs to carefully look at the diamond using the magnifying tool. They might have to look at it from different angles to find these hard-to-see flaws.
Just like with VS1 diamonds, VVS2 diamonds don’t show the specific kinds of flaws they have. The flaws could be the same type repeating a few times or different kinds just happening once.
For example, there’s a round diamond that’s 0.91 carats in size. Experts gave it a VVS2 grade. The report about it mentions things like tiny needle-like lines, very small dots, and faint cloudy areas inside the diamond.
I found another diamond that’s one carat in size and has four flaws, including small dots and slightly dented areas. But if you look at the report, you’ll see that these flaws are close together.
These flaws are harder to notice when you look at the diamond from the top, but they become clearer if you look at the bottom part. There’s only one other small cloudy area in the middle, but you probably can’t see it with just your eyes.
Because of these characteristics, this diamond got a VVS2 grade. If the flaws were spread out on the top part of the diamond, it might have gotten a lower grade.
When discussing diamond clarity, it’s crucial to grasp the distinctions between VS1 (very slightly included) and VVS2 (very, very slightly included) diamonds. These two grades indicate different levels of clarity, each with its own unique features and visual attractiveness. Let’s delve into the specifics and examine the significant differences between VVS2 and VS1 diamonds.
1. Number of Flaws:
VS1 Diamonds: These diamonds have very slight inclusions that are not easily seen with the naked eye. Under 10x magnification, you might be able to identify these tiny flaws. VS1 diamonds might have a bit more noticeable inclusions than VVS2 diamonds.
VVS2 Diamonds: VVS2 diamonds have even fewer and tinier inclusions. These inclusions are extremely difficult to see even under 10x magnification. VVS2 diamonds often appear nearly flawless to the naked eye.
2. Price Difference:
VVS2 Diamonds Are Pricier: VVS2 diamonds are more expensive than VS1 diamonds. Generally, moving up one clarity grade can increase the price by around 10-15%. The price gap between VVS2 and VS1 can be significant, even up to 20% for some diamonds.
VS1 Diamonds Offer Value: Choosing a VS1 diamond can be a cost-effective option. The visible difference between VVS2 and VS1 diamonds is often negligible without magnification.
3. Impact of Flaws:
Inclusions Matter for Appearance and Durability: Flaws like black spots, dark crystals, or white feathers in diamonds affect their look and durability. People usually want to avoid these flaws.
Visibility Increases with Lower Grades: As you go down the clarity scale, flaws become more visible. However, this isn’t usually a concern with VS1 diamonds.
Inclusions’ Location Matters: Some inclusions, like chips near the edges or deep cavities, can make diamonds more prone to damage, but this is rare for both VS1 and VVS2 diamonds.
4. Setting and Context
VS1 Diamonds: VS1 diamonds are often chosen when the buyer wants an eye-clean diamond without having to pay for the premium associated with higher clarity grades. These diamonds can be set in various settings to create a stunning piece of jewelry.
VVS2 Diamonds: VVS2 diamonds are perfect for those who desire an almost flawless diamond but aren’t necessarily aiming for the absolute top clarity grades. These diamonds are often selected for prominent settings that showcase their exceptional clarity.
4. Brilliance and Light Performance:
As expected, there is a price difference between SI1 and VS1 diamonds. VS1 diamonds typically command a higher price due to their superior clarity and fewer visible inclusions. SI1 diamonds, on the other hand, are generally more affordable while still offering excellent value.
When comparing prices for round-cut diamonds with similar qualities such as carat weight, cut, and color, an SI1 diamond may cost around $5,000, while a comparable VS1 diamond could range from $6,500 to $7,500. This price difference reflects the higher clarity grade and enhanced visual appeal of the VS1 diamond.
Both VS1 and VVS2 diamonds have very minor clarity issues, making them excellent choices for your diamond ring. To help you decide which is the best fit, consider the following tips:
Opt for a VS1 Diamond if:
- You want to avoid paying extra for diamonds with higher clarity grades, but still desire inclusions that are hard to spot with magnification.
- Your diamond is larger than 1.5 carats and you want to ensure it looks clean to the naked eye.
Consider a VVS2 Diamond if:
- You’re looking for a diamond that’s nearly flawless but aren’t willing to pay the premium associated with VVS1, IF, or FL grades.
- You’re in search of a diamond heavier than two carats and want it to appear clean without magnification.
By matching VS1 and VVS2 diamonds with different types of settings, you can find the perfect choice for your preferences and budget. In the end, both options offer stunning clarity for a beautiful diamond ring.